Saturday, June 27, 2015

Forgiveness and Holiness: Heidelberg Catechism~Lord's Day 26

In the Christian life there is constant tension between the forgiveness of our sins and holiness or to put it in theological terms between justification and sanctification. This is not a Biblical tension, but it is an experiential one. If all of my sins are forgiven in Christ then why do I need to be more holy? If I must be holy to see God then how am I not earning my salvation?  Many books have been written on the subject. The answer is that Jesus does not come to us in pieces. We do not get his work on the cross, the forgiveness of our sins, without also getting the work of His Spirit, sanctification. The Heidelberg Catechism says this well in question 70, which is part of the section for worship tomorrow. Here is question and answer:
Q: 70. What is it to be washed with the blood and Spirit of Christ?
A: It is to receive of God the remission of sins, freely, for the sake of Christ's blood, which he shed for us by his sacrifice upon the cross;  and also to be renewed by the Holy Spirit, and sanctified to be members of Christ, that so we may more and more die unto sin, and lead holy and blameless lives.
When we come to Christ we also receive His Spirit, who begins the work of sanctification. Forgiveness of sins and growth in holiness are connected because they both flow from the work of Christ upon the cross. The Christ who took our place on the cross so that we might not be condemned (I Peter 2:24) is the same Christ who gave his Spirit so that we might be holy (Acts 2:33). This same paradigm is seen in Romans where Paul talks about the forgiveness of our sins in Romans 5 and then tells us that we must put sin to death in Romans 6. Here are a few take away points from this. 

We cannot separate forgiveness of sins and holiness. Some like the holiness side and diminish the forgiveness of sins. Some like forgiveness, but do not see growth in holiness as important. The first group fears that if we preach forgiveness of sins folks will run off and live wicked lives. The second group fears works righteousness. But they are making enemies out of friends. Forgiveness and holiness both come from Christ and are part of his work for and in the Christian. 

Forgiveness of sins is freely given because of Christ's work. We cannot earn any of God's grace, It is all free. One a the great dangers in the Christian life is that as we grow we can forget that everything we have has been given to us. Slowly we begin to think we have earned God's favor. 

The Spirit is given so we might become holy. Too often the Holy Spirit is connected to outward, dramatic displays of emotion or to feelings we might have at certain points in our Christian life. We equate the Holy Spirit with emotion. But He is there to make us holy. In the trenches of everyday life the Spirit is working to make us more like Jesus (Romans 8:29).

We must strive to kill sin and lead holy lives. Many Christians are afraid of legalism, which is a legitimate fear, therefore they do not strive for holiness. But this is a failure to understand what the Scriptures teach. Holiness is not legalism. Holiness is walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). We must pursue holiness by obeying God's Word. But this too is a work of grace. Just as forgiveness of sins is free so is holiness. Sanctification is a gift of grace just like justification. 

Holiness involves putting aside certain sins and putting on righteous actions. Too often holiness is primarily about what we don't do. We don't commit adultery. We don't cuss. We don't watch dirty movies. But in Scripture holiness is about doing the right things. Don't view your walk with God primarily by what you don't do. Are you becoming more patient, joyful, peaceful, etc.? 

Finally, all of this is pictured in baptism. Lord's Day 26 (and 27) in the Heidelberg Catechism is about baptism.  Here are questions 69 and 70 together. Baptism pictures the forgiveness of our sins and the pouring out of the Spirit so we might be holy. 
69. How are you admonished and assured by holy baptism, that the one sacrifice of Christ upon the cross is of real advantage to you?
A: Thus: That Christ appointed this external washing with water, adding thereto this promise, that I am as certainly washed by his blood and Spirit from all the pollution of my soul, that is, from all my sins, as I am washed externally with water, by which the filthiness of the body is commonly washed away.
 Q: 70. What is it to be washed with the blood and Spirit of Christ?
A: It is to receive of God the remission of sins, freely, for the sake of Christ's blood, which he shed for us by his sacrifice upon the cross;  and also to be renewed by the Holy Spirit, and sanctified to be members of Christ, that so we may more and more die unto sin, and lead holy and blameless lives.

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Let the saints be joyful in glory, let them sing aloud on their beds, let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; to bind the kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron. Psalm 149:5-8